Business Services

An orange asterisk


Whether you are a team leader, a club manager, a regional or national organisation head, we can help you teach your teams how to improve their critical thinking and problem-solving skills and leave you with a super-smart pocket coach to support the ongoing application of these skills in every day situations

List of the top 10 skills for 2025 in ranked order:- 1. Analytical thinking and innovation; 2.  Active learning and learning strategies; 3. Complex problem solving; 4. Critical thinking and analysis; 5. Creativity, originality and initiative; 6. Leadership and social influence; 7. Technology use, monitoring and control; 8. Technology design and programming; 9. Resilience, stress tolerance, and flexibility; 10. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation

Eight of the top ten skills global employers are looking for by 2025, require skills that utilise

  • applied problem solving
  • self management
  • ability to work with people

according to a global report by the World Economic Forum.

blue tick

These types of skills are supported in our products and services, and will ensure your coaches are more innovative leaders, able to support athletes and teams with more effective and productive strategies and guidance.


Our professional services to support creativity and AI in the workplace, including workshops, courses, and in-company training for professional groups, are developed and presented by professors from one of the UK's leading business institutions, Bayes Business School, at City, University of London

Bayes Business School is among the best business schools in the world, and holds the gold standard of 'triple crown' accreditation from AACSBAMBA and EQUIS 3rd best in London, 6th in the UK, 29th in Europe (Financial Times European Business School ranking 2022)

Helmet and Shield Coat of Arms above the words Bayes Business School, City, University  of London

basketball player jumping high to make a hoop
by Sam Steele 8 August 2022
The Growth Triple Play

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 

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